Monday, March 17, 2008

Official Contest to the JBFC 2007 largest fish

I regret to inform, but must officially contest the JBFC 2007 Largest Fish Award. New data and evidence has come to my attention that requires me to put last years award up for review. I look to the alumni and membership to decide on this matter. Hear my case in the comments.

Phil's Net


TPS said...

My case:
My bull trout was measured at 21" in Shawn's "measure net",(10" and 11") and witnessed by Mark and Shawn. I've recently checked the accuracy of the measure net to find it is off.
The accurate measurement from 10" to 11" in the measure net makes my 21" trout actually 23 1/4".

Anonymous said...

It might take a picture of a paper tape or fabric store tape inside the net from 11 + 10 to provide evidence. If it is proven, the trophy is yours.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the previous comment about fabric tape, as a regular measuring tape would not accurately measure any curves the net would have, even trying to bend it so. But in any case the regular one should make the measured line shorter than actual. So is the net not accurate, or does it strech when wet?

I would like to know before I purchase one of these nets.

See you wednesday night.

Busksaw Smitty said...

I love this because I'm not directly involved. I say let's settle it the old fashion why, a good ol' JBFC BOTTLE-OFF!

Really, we should just measure Shawns net dry and wet to see if there is a difference and decide then. All I can say is Jay, it doesn't look good! I'd take to the Supreme court of Canada or put a grand-father clause into play.

Busksaw Smitty said...

I can't put words in the proper context anymore, shitty!
My brain farts alot!

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Busksaw Smitty said...

I heard Phil just bought himself a brand chisel to personally ingrave his name on the trophy as the new biggest fish winner, is this true?

TPS said...

I'm wondering what the final word is on this matter. Yes a did purchase a chisel but I would hate to crack that thing off before I get the okay from the jury. Mark is in charge of the trophy plates I believe.... spelling of my name can already be found on the trophy as a reference.