Friday, May 23, 2008

Mike Reid heads to Andersons Lodge

Our good friend Mike Reid (JBFC 2001, 2002, 2003, 2005) has just started working at Andersons Lodge in North Western Ontario. Have a great time Mike can't wait to hear all your stories! We'll send you a few monster Pike and Musky fly patterns and you send us the photos of the lunkers on the fly!

We now have a man on the ground at Andersons Lodge, check it out!


Busksaw Smitty said...

You better contact us with a hook up you little bastard! I'll be waiting.
Hope you have a great season Mike.


Anonymous said...

Congrats man! Have fun and learn a lot. Sounds like more fun than I'll have this summer. Enjoy it while you can. Wish I could tag along. Hopefully you can guide us some day. Mark could use your help now!!!

Anonymous from Alberta