Saturday, July 11, 2009

Woodsmen Weekend @ River Oaks Camp!

We need wood cut and split down at the camp, we're running low. I say we should plan a weekend that's works for everyone. It would be nice to do it soon but I don't think that's going to happen. So lets shoot for late August or maybe late September. I took a trip down to the camp today and the wood pile is crazy low. I don't know if we'll have dry wood for the winter unless we buy a chord or 2. My suggestion is September 12th & 13th, this is Jay's B-day weekend, maybe it will work for everyone. And I want worker bees, so Ryan and Phil & Jay have to be able to make it. Barrie, your the super on the job so don't take any shit off of these guys. Let me know what you guys think.

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