Dear Phil & Shawn,
I hope you two send us lots of pic of big browns and bows from your guided trip in Utah. I just have one request, for any pictures you take and post on the site could you try and not smile or not make it look like your having another trip of a lifetime. Thank you.
PS- Good luck boys! Hatcher, please take lots of video footage.
Very classy post! It would truly be a trip of a life time if the JBFC members could all make it. Be sure, for those that don't, the pictures will be of large fish and BIG smiles of pure HAPPY!
Stay tuned. Provo River February
1st, guided Green River February 2nd, scratch and sniff February 3rd and 4th.
Jesus man I thought I got up in the mornings early! What the hell are you doing up @4:08am, or should I ask?
Good day, sun shines!
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Must be 1:08 am my time. Either way, your right. Lifes too short for sleeping. Need to fish always......
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