Saturday, October 25, 2014

JBFC 2015 June 11 to 14th

How does everyone dig these dates?

2015 Jamboree Tentative Date July 24-26th

Hope everyone can make it to the 4th Annual Jamboree in Waternish, so we're giving lots of early warning.  The dates will be July 24th to 26th, so get some new songs together and work out that throwing arm for some shoes.  Also there is going to be a different tournament style for the horseshoe tourney which will make it go a little faster so we have more horsing around time.  Hope to see you all there.

New River Oaks Safety Officer

He means business!

Saturday, October 11, 2014


The 2015 JBFC will be held in June not May this coming year. Should put us into some good fishing in the river in front of the JBFC World Headquarters.  Minor rule change this year with the fishing area being reduce significantly.  Can't wait til next year, later fellas.

Friday, July 11, 2014


Its that time again, so bring a good and empty stomach, a strong throwing arm, and your git boxes, Jamboree weekend is next weekend.  See ya'll there now ya hear!

Sunday, May 25, 2014

JBFC 2014

Hope everyone had a great time on this years trip and all I can say is, Jason's new full name should be "Tony Tom Thumb Pepperoni" or "Mr. Tom Thumb Ninja".  A big thanks to Max and Jay for picking up all the food, a big thanks to Frog for all the home cooked goodies, thanks to Fred for the mussels, and thanks to Cal for the lobsters once again. See ya'll next time

Monday, April 21, 2014

Quick fish on Snows Lake

Here's a few pics from a Saturday afternoon fishing trip back to snows lake.
PS- Chris is an awesome fish lander, thanks ole boy!

Saturday, March 15, 2014

3rd Annual Jamboree and Horseshoe Extravaganza July 19th-20th

I have recently been harassed by a few individuals to set a date for the 3rd annual Jamboree Weekend, so here it is,  July 19th-20th. So bring a sleeping bag, your guitars and fiddles,some wobbly pops, a good throwing arm and a big stomach.  Chef Max has been thinking about the menu and ya'll know it's going to be wicked! 

Saturday, March 8, 2014

23 Days Til Fishing Season Opens!

So get your rods lined up and grab a stick of juicy fruit!  

White bridge opening day? Wait til the 5th to go? Or become wise and wait til mid month?  The options are endless.

Don'y for get last years scout, good scouting mission, but no fish. PS- Barrie your an animal for making if through that terrain, good job ole boy!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

From the vault

I believe it's possible we have some of the largest Mayfly hatches in the world. This video was done pre HD camera.

Bass Fisher McGillicuddy

Anyone know why this guy didn't get hooked again this year? Pretty weird if you ask me, anyone have witness that this BASS FISHERMAN didn't bonk this beauty!

This fuckin fish has shoulders and is built like a brick shit house. We have to Yak this bitch this year!
Spend more time fishin than drinking eh Mark?

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Old Sheetharbour video

This is not HD! almost retro

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Old videos from the archive .. quality is BAD!

While on the phone with "the Prospect" I came across a few old videos. Stay tuned.

Saturday, January 25, 2014

Feb 22nd-23rd, Rum Sampers Buggy Run!

Hope to see you all at River Oaks camp for the annual Rum Samplers weekend.  I hear Brian got the go ahead for Saturday night so Trevor and Ryan got to come too, lets start pestering them.  Buggys, guitars, rum, and foolishness.  And Lise, I'm sorry, but I'm hijacking Phil for this weekend but I'll get him home early Sunday.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

SBS Green Butt Fox

If we make it to the Margaree this year, this is what I will supply everyone with haha. Hope you enjoy this as much as I did. 

First picture step by step, hope you enjoy.

Hook: Upeye Salmon #2-12
Threads: White and Black UTC 70 (sub UNI 8/0 or Veevus 10/0)
Tag: Small Silver Wire
Butt: Green UNI Yarn
Rib: Oval Silver Tinsel
Body: Black Yarn
Throat: Black Hen Fibres
Wing: Black Arctic Fox

Insert the hook into your vice and attach your White UTC 70 at the eye of the hook and create a thread base until the hook point.

Tie in your small silver wire leaving excess up the shank (until the hook return) to ensure it is secured in place and to create a smooth body.

Tie in your Green Yarn the length of the butt you want and tie it up where you left your wire off (hook return). Wrap 5 or 6 side by each wraps to ensure you have a smooth butt and tie off the length until the hook return.

Tie in Oval Silver Tinsel at the hook return and carry it down to your butt.

Attach the Black Yarn halfway up the hook return and the eye and carry it down to your butt. Now you can switch to your black thread.

Wrap your Black Yarn side by each up the shank and stop where you tied it in. Wrap 5 evenly spaced wraps up the body with your tinsel and tie off in the same spot as the yarn.

If Your vice can rotate this is where it becomes handy. Tie in a clump of Black Hen fibres for the throat and cut them off close.
Now tie in your pre trimmed Black Arctic fox for the wing, (should extend past the tag and even with the bend of the hook) this material will condense when you tighten your thread, form your head with tight thread wraps, whip finish 2 or 3 times.

Finally add your favourite Head cement (I prefer a thicker cement for my salmon flies (Angler's Corner)) Let Dry, tie on and let er rip!

Thanks Guys Hope you Enjoy!

                                                                                     The Prospect

Saturday, January 18, 2014

The 300 Honda Re-Build of 2014!

We decided to take the River Oaks Camp "work horse" home for a good going over this winter.  She's finally going to have brakes.  Here's a pic of the tear down.
 She'll be just like new when were done with her Barrie!

Monday, January 13, 2014

JBFC 2014- May 16th to 19th! Book it off!

This past weekend we decided on the date for the 2014 JBFC, to held @ River Oaks Camp on the St. Mary's River.  The tournament will start @ 7am Friday May 16th and end 2pm Monday May 19th.  standard JBFC rules apply.  Some may be staying for the remainder of the week following the JBFC Championship weekend, so if you would like to stay @ the camp for the rest of the week please do so.
Hope to see ya'll there,

Mark S.

Friday, January 3, 2014

JBFC 2014 "River Oaks Camp" Waternish N.S., Canada

Ok ladies, time to get the ball rolling for the years championship weekend.  Do we want to have it on the long weekend in May again or move it to the middle to end of June?  If we move it to the middle of June we may have better fishing (hence black fly season) or keep it on the long weekend and give everyone 1 extra day that would otherwise use up a vaca day.  The dates are as follows MAY 16TH-19TH OR JUNE 20TH-23RD, OR JUNE 27TH-30TH.  All are 4 day weekends or do we want to take a full week at the camp this year and get some chores done, (ie. clean up fallen trees or finish up the bunkhouse).  I personally want to take a full week.
On a competitive note, Mr. "Green Machine" claims he is going to take the title this year hands down. We'll see about that one darling.
Hope to see all you fellers there and let us know what dates work best for everyone.
