Sunday, March 29, 2009

A Hatcher Trout

Here is a little blast from the past! The Hatcher's have been on their game for many years. This lunker was caught in Porters Lake not far from where I grew up. Anyone interested in checking this spot out with me, I could use someone to take a photo and wrangle a net. Yes. That's a brook trout. Nice work Dad!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Leon's Quality Flies

I just happened to be driving through Mountain View Estates in beautiful Lake Echo, Nova Scotia today and came across a little fly shop called "Leon's Quality Flies". The owner/operator/tyer is a guy named Jason "Leon" Tremblay. He ties a variety of traditional flies such as wooly buggers and many Mickey Finn variations. As well as any salmon fly and or streamer you can think of. His prices are fare and he does take orders on request. He is currently working on a few top secret flies for a customer located in Alberta.

This is a fly called "The One" which has been customized for certain areas of
Eastern Canada but will also work very well in other parts of the country.

This picture is a view of the may streamer patterns available @ Leon's Quality Flies!

The "Pinch Hitter" is a variation derived from a Mickey Finn pattern.

A prototype to be tested this coming weekend.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

World's largest trout

Neat little video on Taimen, I didn't realize that they were trout and they grow to over 5'

Trout Vision

Trout Vision, not unlike Marks after a few refreshment, it's better then you think.

A trout's range of vision includes regions of both monocular and binocular vision . Due to the arrangement of rods (dim light sensitive) and cones (colour and detail sensitive) in the trout's eye, it can effectively see in most directions at once (both binocular and monocular regions). Given the placement and limited range of movement of their eyes, there is also a region in which a fish cannot see - a blind spot.

Salmonids are unable to hold position while oriented downstream (with the flow) because of their body design. Their large caudal fin provides propulsion while relatively small pectoral and pelvic fins provide stability and direction. Therefore, when stationary, trout always face into the flow. For these reasons (blind spot and instream positioning), fly-fishing in a downstream to upstream direction is a very good strategy.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Need Help

I realized today after placing my fly order that I have limited knowledge of what I see fishing in terms of the flies and what they are. I have searched for a quick reference guide online and have found nothing. I would like to have with me on the water a small laminated reference book with all Canadian flies and their various versions. It would help me to chose the best fly for the situation at hand. Before I attempt to make my own, using the coloured pages displayed on the Fly Shack website (probably around 50 pages), does anyone else have any suggestions? Have you ever seen one? I'm not talking about the large fly pattern books on the market for fly tiers but some small, water proof and not heavy. Would anyone be interested in one of these if in the end I have to put them together (photoshop them compact and print) or have an outfit do them up?


Here's a good read for all of us and a great website. Not sure how the quality of the flies compares to the Fly Shack but the prices are better and there is some great information located on the left of the home page.

Casting Skills and Info
How to Cast a Fly
Fishing Floating Flies
How to Nymph
Strike Indicators
The Legacy Story

Leaders and Lines
Leaders and Lines
How to Build a Leader
Leader Charts
Matching Hook to Tippet

Fly Shack

Here is my ammunition to take the 2009 JBFC trophy for the 3rd time. Mark......I'd say your basically fucked. Even if you show up!

I also have some large scary flies coming my way from Jason. Should be a big brookie show down!

I heard a rumour some of you may have recently received an order from the Fly Shack. What you'd get, what'd ya buy, tell me.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Baetidae (Blue Winged Olive)

Ephemerellidae(Henderickson, Sulphur's,PMD's,BWO's)

These are the most common mayflies in NewBrunswick, I would recommend 10-16 size hook's.
Also i would get the dun(female) version and nymph's of these specie's. A "spent" version is also a good idea too. I will have a more complete list of flie's coming soon, I have been tying quite a bit lately and will have many of this flies available for the trip including some special one's.(Zebra bogger's -Shawn)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Listen to how he get's his material's for tying flies, also listen
for the name of the fly.

How to make a bamboo rod


Spring Break time!

TaraCarol featured on

The TaraCarol @

We had the pleasure of meet Bill Carpan last year at his shop in Stillwater near the St.Marys River. Great guy, Great flys, and a nice little shop for all your needs on the river. Check out his site for all kinds of great info and stories from the St. Marys River.

Photo from the 2008 JBFC!

Can everyone send me all the photos and video clips that they have from the 2008 JBFC. You can either stop in and I can download your cards or burn them to a disk and throw them in my mail box. I have more or less NO photos of the trip and would like to throw together a DVD with all them on it.
SOooo everyone take 2 seconds, yes all of you...even Barrie and Joe... and make a CD i can get from you.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009


I am writing a test for my FAC and buying a defender shot gun to prevent a grizzly bear attack. I saw about 4 bears last year where I fish in and around Nordegg and have heard about 3 other attacks, killings, and rushes in the Sundre area. The gun holds 12 guage slugs and is legal to carry year round when fishing. It's not for hunting Paul, Joe, Jason. One can't start looking for bears to kill when the fishing is bad! Good to have when camping or in the woods in general. My trust in bear spray and pen type flare guns has diminished. I have three kids and more fishing to do. You might want to stay close when fishing with me in the mountains from now on......Paul! For those of you who decide to jump ahead and fish out all the pools in front of me (this includes people I don't know from Calgary) I just might mistake you for a large grizzly!

Saturday, March 7, 2009


I need new waders. Now I have to choose a pair and it's a bit of a tricky choice. I've narrowed it down to:
1 - Hodgeman Colorado
2 - Simms L2 gore-tex
3 - Frogg Togg Hellbender
4 - Cabelas GII

Let me know what you guys think ASAP in comments

Friday, March 6, 2009

Cabelas Order this week

I will be putting a Cabelas order in the later this week (Wednesday, March 11th). Any one who is interested in adding to the order and splitting the shipping cost let me know ASAP. I know that Barrie and Joe can pass up and offer to order from Cabelas!
Take a look and see what you need before the season starts, only 26 days to go!!!

Sent from my BlackBerry® wireless device

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Fly Shack Order on Sat. March 7th!

I'm putting an order in on Saturday, anyone interested? Woven stones are on sale for .65 and many nhymps too! Check it out and get back to me before Saturday morning.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Sportsman Show Mar12-15th

Is anyone interested in going to the sportsman show on March 12th to 15th? There is a casting compettion for a 2009 550 Grizzly ATV. You just fill out a ballot at the entrance and be there to hear your name if you get picked. I think I'd like to go. Maybe we will call Richard @ RW sports and see if he'll be around when ever we decide to go. Check his new stuff!