Sunday, November 9, 2008

JBFC 2009 D-DAY! Lets get our #&*! together.

It's D-Day! We need to decide on a date and let everyone know whats going to take place next year. Do we want to get together for a meeting @ the camp or @ someones house to make the final decisions? What's everyone doing on Rememberance Day? Is everyone off? Might be a good day. Confrence call if we have to or lets do it by e-mail. I don't care we just got to get it done soon!
Lets get the show on the road!


Anonymous said...

I'm in for Alberta. Would take some planning. Will need to get started soon. If not in Alberta, preferably somewhere with fish!

Anonymous said...

I'm just trowing an offer out there in case Alberta is a no go for you guys.

1 free camp (cedar)
3 free boats available
5 lbs - 7 lbs TROUT!!!!!!!!!

Lots and lots of action.
Typicaly this river is about 10 - 15 ft wide, with pools every 50 - 100 ft apart, or every corner, for miles and miles. I spent 1 day and covered about 1/8 of it. Really.

It's on the Poquemouche river North East NB, about 4.5 hours drive from Halifax.

Just an Idea, but would be glad to host.


Anonymous said...


That sounds incredible. even though I may not be able to make it, my vote is here and on the table for Northern NB. I will do what I can to get home for that. What would be the best airport to fly into in NB to be a close of a drive as possible? I may have a brother in law that could grab me, drive, drop, etc. Thanks. Shawn