Friday, October 12, 2007

East River Trip Info

This is the pray for rain trip! Water levels are very low, start rain dancing!

"HI Guys: Hope your getting as excited as I am about the fishing weekend. The weather has been great the past few days. I am going down to the river on Saturday morning to see if there are any rises. Jason you can bring any of your "special" flies, but two of the best for the East River are the old standby the "Mickey Finn" and the "General Practitioner" really works well on this river.You can use it in the rusty colour or black.

You only need to bring your fishing gear and what ever you want to drink and any special snacking food you need. I will supply the steaks, bacon and all the other food. We can have a big Card game in the evening.

I am just above the river and the best pools are close by. It would be nice if Ryan could come.

So let me know what time you think you will be arriving on Friday.

Looking forward to a great weekend of fishing and fun.

So who is confirmed to be going?

As soon as people know next week, we should figure out how many vehicles are going up and when. I would like to go up early on Friday if anyone is interested?

1 comment:

Old Trout said...

me and my buddy Joe are going, shouldn't be a problem to head out early