Sunday, April 3, 2011

River Oaks Gambore!

How's she going fellers? I was talking to the Mannette boys about making a trip down to the camp to play some music and have a fish and or buggy run last night and they all seem interested, which is great. I'd also like to invite Gary, Dennis, and maybe Vincent aswell. So the next question is when would be a good date for all of this to happen on one weekend?

Barrie, what would be a good date for you? We could even do it in Sept. or Oct., I just want to pick a date where we could get most, if not all of them down. Lets start to work out some detalis on the first trip down to the camp this year for a fish or sooner. Looks like I won't be able to get down until May. We'll talk before then.

Hope everyone has got their lines wet,


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