Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Blackstone River - August 2, 2008.

Nymph of the day.

Recognize this pool/fish Paul?

Large Rockie.

Took Riaan to fish the Blackstone about 2 km's down from the gap section. Left at 5 am and were back at 5 pm. Awesome day. Lots of cutts and rockies. Both of us with 4-5 over 17". Largest was 19". All on nymph set up. Riaan is hooked. Spent an hour or so talking about the river, species, nymphing, approach, etc, before really getting into it. Riaan caught on quick and after his 1st 15" cutt he was left alone to fend for himself. I only guide for so long before my brain says fuck it and fish. I wouldn't make much money as a guide. I'm taking Riaan and his father in law Jacob back in 2 weeks for an over nighter.

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